I think he's right. No matter what happens to them, some people respond with anger, some with sadness, some with positive emotions.
I think my frame of reference is shifting. Not that it was ever not in a good place, but often I did or didn't do things because I was afraid.
I went to South America because I was afraid to miss the opportunity. I work with my family because I'm afraid to venture out on my own and work for someone else. I hold on too tightly to some things because I'm afraid to lose them. Even though I know that holding on too tightly is counterproductive.
My main emotion frustration which then turns into anger when it gets to be overwhelming. Although sometimes I get so frustrated I shut down and get a "i don't care" anymore attitude.
It think the main emotion that rules my life is passion. I fall head over heals into everything and I always end up crashing down. Work, friends, family, hobbies, love life....I get passionate about things to the point of excess and burnout.
Thanks for making think about this. Maybe now that I have figured it out, I can fix it.
Hmmmm ... I am a fear person as well, but primarily fear of failure and/or of not being "perfect" Unfortunately, the emotion that rules my life also holds me back.
Mine is mostly anger. It's a lot better than it used to be and I'm way better at controlling it and keeping it in check than I used to be.
Wow. That's made me think. I'm not sure I have an answer yet but thanks for posting it, RRL.
hunger... not just for food, but for love, money, acceptance, everything... it drives and consumes me.
Is porn an emotion?
I have to admit fear is my driving factor. It kept me in a miserable marriage. It kept me from doing alot of things I should have and could have done.
My main emotion right now is pain. I'm in agony. Went to the ER this morning ... bladder infection, kidney infection, and diverticulitis.
I love this topic. Like REALLY love it. If you don't mind, I may explore it on my own site for CQW.
Usually I'm pretty laid back...I'm not sure if that is considered an emotion or not. Lately though it's been panic.
I have often said the two biggest motivators in selling something to the human race is fear and greed. Sad, but true... We fear not to have insurance, a good job, etc. We buy bigger TVs, houses, cars, etc. because of envy or wanting something mindlessly because ads have created the spectre of life without it... If you reject these premises, you are well on your way to not being afraid, or in debt for something you really don't need... My main emotion? A search for purpose.
I think the emotion that rules me is 'worry'. I worry about everything, big and little. Constantly, everyday.
He uses the same words I do at my work place and teachings with my 14 year old.
I thought it was a wonderful video...it gave words to the things that drive me. I am a problem solver...it's what I get paid to do.
He organized my thoughts a liitle more...which is much when you look at it from where I am now after viewing this.
Thanks sweetie. xoxoxo
No question...I'm driven primarily by love and acceptance.
Distrust, except for my hubby. We are one :)
My main emotion is skeptisism. Is that an emotion?
I don't trust a lot of people. My hubby & kids are about the only people I trust wholeheartedly.
Re: your emotions. I say Yay for self acceptance. I am 39 years old. I am who I am. I love with ALL of my heart. I get frusterated at little things sometimes. I need alone time every day. I love to laugh. For those people who can not handle that, they need to find a way to deal with it. If they can't then they have to move on.
Like I said, I am who I am & I am more than O.K. with "me." (Well, except for my huge ass):)
Don't try to change yourself for others. You will only end up feeling stifled & fake. Be you! You are great just the way you are!
Passion. I feel overwhelmed at times by all the things that excite me and all the things I want to do.
But I wouldn't change it for the world.
After thinking on this one a bit more, I'd have to add "shame" to my plate - a big, heaping serving of it. Shame keeps me from striving towards what I deserve (because I don't really deserve it due to shame)!
he has made quite a career for himself. If I had to think of my emotion, or driver it would probably be passion also
I feel the same as Karen. I am very passinate in all things, which can be both good and bad. Cheers!!
fear and enthusiasm
I think fear is a common denominator, and I am like most people, I react to it instinctively. But I am also driven by hope. I act out of a hope and almost wreckless ideological thinking sometimes. I can become so impassioned and committed to something in hopes that it will turn out well, that I dont stop to see how badly it will most certainly will be.
I am pretty much a flat line. I just get nothing either way. I can't decide if thats a great thing or a terrible thing. I mean I am never ever, low, depressed, self conscious, but in the reverse I am never ever elated, joyful, ecstatic or anything like that, I guess I never win or lose, its always a tie.
I do have a temper, hey I'm southern and Irish, but someone really has to want to see it for me to go off.
If I forced to choose I'd say dumbfounded, I get this way over politics and common sense issues as well as watching people do stupid things that hurt their lives.
Great topic sory for being long commenting.
passion...if I love you, I love you with a passion..if I hate you, I hate you with a passion. I do everything in my life with my whole heart...
Mine is exactly the same as talisman...exactly.
I'm working on it but it's a long road.
Generally, I respond from a positive place. Not always but generally. Being the quivering mass of contradictions that I am, it tends to be a skeptical pollyanna-ism, though. As someone once put it, in my view, the glass is half-full...but of what? It just seems to take so much more of my energy to stay down about something. Although, I can relate to doing something because you are afraid to miss the opportunity. What if it never comes around again?
Fear of what I will lose, worry over what might happen or not happen, and Love in great heaps for my child, family, friends, and life in general... too complicated and hyperactive for focus on one emotion...
I share the same emotions as Fortune Cookie.. fear and hope. I've really worked on "fear" this year, and in doing so have realized how strong I really am. And hope springs eternal in everything I do.
Thanks for making me think!
A combination of sadness and fear right now. I've always had a fear of being alone, but right now it's hitting me very hard.
have a good weekend :)
It's sad, but I honestly don't know. I think it is different things on different days.
i like to be in control.
i hate losing my cool.
the truth is though, we
only have an illusion of
control. illusion (not
technically emotion) is
what controls me...
No emotion or drive controls me.I experience all emotions, am driven, but I am the boss of me.
fear...for now..who knows when it might change.
I think the driving forces for me lately have been fear and boredom ... at least they drove me to a new job. Now I can begin to experience frustration and anger LOL!!!
My main emotion is sadness, then fear. Life has been difficult for the past three years. It has been life changing and overwhelming also.
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