Monday, March 15, 2010


A while back, my Love and I, along with our two dogs went to Jamestown, TN to our family's little cabin in the woods for a little R&R. I told my mom and my best buddy where we were going. That's it. Nobody else.

Now this place is remote. Ten minutes off of the paved road remote and 30 minutes outside of a small town. Only one other house on the road and entirely too far to run to in case of horror movie type stuff happening.

We get up there. Jammie up. Watch movies. Eat dinner. Go to bed. Perfect.

My cell phone rings. It was LATE LATE LATE...1:45am. I was so deeply asleep that my Love had to wake me. I fumble in the complete blackness for my phone. Restricted number and I'm too late. Hmmm...probably a wrong number. We lie there for a few minutes trying to go back to dreaming.

Then the lodge phone rings. Now THIS number is hard to get. You pretty much have to be a member of the family or a past renter to have it. Again, in the blackness I run to the phone all the way in the kitchen.

Hello. Hello? Hello???

Nobody there. Then an odd fast busy signal.

We go through all the possibilities. Nobody has both of these numbers. Must be my parents. They're old and it can't be good. I call their house. Wake my Daddy up. Nope, everything's fine.

Must be the Best Buddy butt calling me from her phone. I call her. Freak HER out since I'm never up past 10pm! Not her either.

No one else knew we were there and so few people have both my cell and the lodge phone number. It's hard for me to believe that there were two wrong numbers on both phones. And both were restricted numbers.

I'm blaming it on my ghost.

P.S. Raise your hand if you knew it was a rerun! I had another odd experience last night, but I wanted to remind you of this one first.


lynette355 said...

odd really odd!

Jay said...

It was just me calling to get a GPS fix. I hate it when my stalkees give me the slip. hahaha ;-)

Doc said...

That is odd... creepy odd.

CheekyMonkey said...

Oh. Sorry bout that. I would have SWORN you called me first.

Akelamalu said...

I didn't know it was a rerun - so what happened this time? Spooky!

furiousBall said...

dat's weird!

Anonymous said...

HHMMM interesting

SkylersDad said...

Cant wait for the followup post!

Laura said...

creepy...and now I have goose bumps!

Glitterstim said... That would keep me awake for hours!

I think we have a ghost....probably the young man who lived in our house until 2007, and died in 2008. He keeps cranking up my son's room's heater all the way. That's his former room.

Don'tcha love it? Creepy....

:o) BJ

Micky said...

UMMM...being the big chicken sh*t I am that would've been it for me! I'm not gonna sleep tonight!

J.J. in L.A. said...

I hate middle of the night phone calls...mostly because my number is very similar to a cab company and the bars close at 2 am.

Looking forward to the follow-up!

Awake In Rochester said...

BOOOO ...B!!! ;)

Anonymous said...

That is scary. Could you sleep after ward? Did you stay there?