The first task on my new assistant's "to do" list was to find a contractor in Louisiana. Today it finally dawned on me why she can't find anyone that can think straight for five minutes.
Mardi Gras.
I may have been too hard on her. Her desk was a hot mess yesterday, but this morning everything was filed and in folders. Perhaps she's one of those people that works in disarray. I'm giving her until Friday and then I'll make a decision. (AKA: Cheeky Monkey and Lynette are probably right.)
Dana, I'd hire you in a hot second. But the commute will suck.
Those are some tiny damn hands.
As one of those people who works best in disarray, I feel for her. My bosses have all been extraordinarily understanding of my hot mess of a desk.
I'm the type that makes a huge mess of my desk every day but must organize it before I go or when I get in. I feel like it's important for me to be able to tell somebody else where everything is incase I'm not there. Organization is important for efficiency.
Where at in LA do you need a contractor? I live in Southwest LA and know someone that a decent size business that does great work.
It really is hard to be right so often. Setting those expectations pretty high.
Anyway, hope she works out....
yep...and love that pic
Messy desk owner, here. There can be order to the chaos. I read a book which said so. Not to be confused with actual order in my own brain.
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